Info Center

Use of Churh Equipment | Funerals and Memorial Services | Weddings | Library | Key Distribution | Hanover Chapter PFLAG


Use of Church Equipment

Use of Church Buildings and/or Grounds

1. Any group or committee of the church has automatic permission to use the building and/or grounds.  Such use is to be scheduled through the church administrative assistant to avoid conflicts with other groups.  Such groups are responsible for setting up and taking down chairs and tables and are responsible for leaving the space used as they found it.  Provision for leaving notes for the custodian is found on the clipboard inside the janitor’s closet in the back entrance to the kitchen. Groups must also arrange with the church administrative assistant for the regulation of heat or air conditioning in the building.

2. Outside groups of a public service nature are given free use of the building and/or grounds on permission of the Property Committee (either the whole committee or the moderator) or Session, whichever meets first.  In case of exception, session will decide about charges for building use.  Groups must arrange with the church administrative assistant for regulation of heat or air conditioning in the building. Groups must leave the space looking as it did when they arrived.                                                                 

3. Children must be monitored/supervised at all times by the group or individual using the building

4. In case of an accident on church property, the persons whose names appear on the application form should be notified.

5.  There will be a $50 charge to non-members for the use of the Fellowship Room for receptions or other such functions (e.g., family reunions).

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Funerals and Memorial Services

1. There is no charge to anyone, member or non-member, for use of the sanctuary for a funeral, memorial service or memorial reception.  Nor is there a charge for use of the kitchen and Fellowship Room for a family to meet friends and have a meal.

2. In the case of our own members, the Covenant Caring Committee will arrange for a meal if the family so desires. 

3. The church organist is available for a funeral or memorial service.  Any other organist desired by the family/next of kin must be approved by the church organist. There is an organist fee of $100.

4. The minister’s honorarium is handled by the funeral home. If a funeral home is not involved an honorarium ($125 is suggested) is appropriate.


Hanover Presbyterian Church Funeral Policy

(Approved by Session 7/23/23)

Hanover Presbyterian Church offers a ministry of love and hope to all who grieve the loss of family or friend.  The Session of Hanover Presbyterian Church has adopted the following policies and suggestions regarding services for the bereaved and for the church community on the occasion of death.


Planning Arrangements

The Hanover Presbyterian Session encourages church members and friends to discuss and plan in advance the memorial or funeral arrangements that will be necessary such as burial, cremation, or donation for medical purposes.   Please see the attached checklist regarding the use of Hanover Presbyterian Church facility.  


Recommended Counseling on the Occasion of Death

One of the most valuable services the church can recommend is pastoral counseling for the bereaved.  The called pastor should be consulted immediately when a death occurs; the called pastor is uniquely equipped to provide this service.


Services on the Occasion of Death

We are not observers in this worship service, we are participants.   The family may make suggestions for the service with the called pastor.  A request to celebrate the Lord’s Supper as part of a service on the occasion of death requires the approval of Hanover Presbyterian Church Session.

The worship service may be observed before or after the committal of the body.  The worship service is complete in itself and any civic or military rites should be conducted separately.  The bereaved may display audio or video in memory of the deceased before or after the service.



The choir director and/or organist will provide guidance for the selection of appropriate music.  The organist will provide the music for the Worship Service unless she/he approves an alternative.


Services with a Casket

The funeral should be in the normal place of worship, the church.  During the worship service, the casket will be closed in order that attention in the service is directed to God.  If the bereaved desires “viewing”, it should ordinarily take place at the funeral home.  The U.S. flag may be used to cover the casket before and after the worship service for those who have seen service in the military.  A folded U.S. flag can be displayed near the casket.  Personal memorabilia, such as pictures of the deceased, can be displayed in the fellowship hall or the parlor.


Services of Committal

Internment may precede or follow the Worship Service.  Members and friends of the family of the deceased should gather at the graveside or crematorium for a service of farewell, which is to be conducted with simplicity, dignity and brevity.  The service includes readings from Scripture, prayers, words of committal and a blessing, reflecting the reality of death, entrusting the one who has died to the care of God.  



Cremation is a matter of personal preference.  It is not inconsistent with the Christian faith.


Lying of the Body in State at the Church

Lying of the body in State is a departure from normal practices of Hanover Presbyterian Church and must be approved in advance by the Session.


Facilities and Services of the Church

The called pastor, music director, organist, custodian and ushers consider providing these services to be an important part of their pastoral ministry for the church.  Non-members of Hanover Presbyterian Church will be asked for fees as follows:  $125 for Organist, $150 for Pastor Honorarium, and $150 for Custodial work.  Members are encouraged to honor these recommended donations.



A spray of flowers may be used to cover the casket.  Floral arrangements on either side of the casket are appropriate.  A limited number of floral sprays may be permitted, if requested by the family.  No flowers may be placed on the communion table.  


Reception after the Service or Committal

The Fellowship Hall is available for a reception following a funeral, memorial, or committal service, if the bereaved requests.  The church will provide members of the church light refreshments.  If the bereaved wish to provide a more substantial meal, they can make arrangements for outside-party catering.  The bereaved should coordinate the anticipated number of guests, A/V requirements, and room arrangements with the church called pastor and the office manager.  Please see the attached checklist.


Hanover Presbyterian Church, its staff and Session are ready to assist you as needed.  Our congregation is compassionate and understands that the desires of the bereaved and church community are foremost in a funeral or memorial service.

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1. When a marriage ceremony occurs in either the Sanctuary or Pastor’s study and there are fewer than 10 people involved, there will be no custodial charges.

2. For a large wedding (10 or more) that involves use of the Sanctuary alone or both the Sanctuary and Fellowship Room and other rooms, there will be a custodial fee as follows:

· Members         No Fees

· Non-Members $100  for use of  

Sanctuary (wedding & rehearsal)

· $50 for use of Fellowship Room

Building Use Deposit - $50 – This fee will be returned after the event, provided the space used is cleaned and returned as it was found with no damage or mess.

3. All fees are to be paid to the church administrative assistant when the church is reserved. These fees may be waived at the minister’s discretion.

4. The church organist is available for weddings.  The fee is $125 (to cover all travel, consultations with the wedding party, rehearsal and wedding); payment should be made directly to the church.  Any other organist desired by the bride and groom must be approved by the church organist.

5.  An honorarium ($150 is suggested) is appropriate for the minister.

6. There will be no use of rice in a wedding.                  

7. Decorations must not interfere with the current liturgical decorations that are within the sanctuary. Liturgical decorations, including banners, may not be removed unless approved by the minister.

8. All couples married at Hanover Presbyterian Church must complete pre-marital counseling with the minster or other certified/qualified minister/counselor.

9. Ministers outside of the Hanover Presbyterian Church may officiate at the wedding with approval from the session and minister.

10. Questions about the music should be addressed to the minister.

11. Other rooms may be used by the wedding party with permission but must be returned to original condition.

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Guidelines for checking out materials are posted on the wall in the library.  If you would like to make a donation of books speak with the administrative assistant. 

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Key Distribution

The office must have on file signatures of those people receiving a key to the church.  Anyone using the building for a church committee or outside group must request a key from the property committee, via the church administrative assistant.

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Hanover Chapter PFLAG


Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) is an organization dedicated to supporting gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) persons.  Created in 2012 the Hanover chapter is the 12th Indiana chapter and is affiliated with the national PFLAG organization headquartered in Washington, D.C.  It has been in existence for over 40 years now.  There are over 500 affiliates across the country and worldwide.     

We join several chapters in the state, but are the only one serving the southeastern area.  We are in Jefferson County, near Madison, upriver from Louisville and downriver from Cincinnati.   In Indiana, Seymour was the closest.  Evansville serves the southwestern area, Indianapolis the center.  Others around the state include Fort Wayne, Huntington, Bloomington, South Bend based Michiana, Lafayette/Tippecanoe County, Richmond/Whitewater Valley.

One of the main goals of PFLAG is to keep families together.  To facilitate this goal, we provide a safe place for ALL members of the family to share their feelings and experiences with others who have been down the same road.  We meet monthly to provide a support group, educate ourselves, and advocate for equal rights for members of the GLBT community.  We take advantage of excellent resources provided by the national PFLAG and work within our communities to increase understanding and acceptance.            

More Information about PFLAG Hanover/Madison, Indiana

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